Information on the operation of a camera system with recordings in branches of Driverama Germany GmbH

Company Driverama Germany GmbH, with registered address at Ronsdorfer Str. 127, 402 33 Düsseldorf, Germany, as the controller of personal data (“controller”) operates a camera system with recordings in all its branches. This document describes the principles governing the protection of personal data during the operation of such a system. The operation of the camera system in the premises of the controller’s branches and their surroundings complies with the requirements of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data (DSGVO). Each branch of the controller, including nearby areas, that is surveilled by a camera system with recordings is equipped with a sign is placed at a visible location stating that the area is monitored with a camera system, including identifying information of the controller and other important information. These so-called first layers refer to this information text that provides necessary information about the processing of personal data.

As a data subject you are entitled to request access to the personal data, their deletion or to contest the processing of your personal data. More information about your rights in relation to the processing of your personal data and contact numbers and an address where you can obtain more information or file a complaint, as well as contact information of our appointed person for the protection of personal data, is available on this website: Privacy policy.

Personal data is not automatically processed and subjects are not automatically profiled within the operation of the camera system with recordings.

Camera system recordings may be handed over only due to legal reasons to bodies active in a criminal investigation, administrative and public bodies, and alternatively other involved subjects (e.g., insurance companies). The recording may also be handed over to a third person who demonstrates a justified interest where the given recording is to be used in an investigation of crimes or other offences or to protect the rights of this person. Recordings are also shared with processors of the controller who ensure technical securing of the processing, alternatively with a security service of the building and the monitored areas.

The recording device, transmission means and data carriers on which the recordings are stored are protected against destruction, modification or loss and unauthorized use. The device for the processing of recordings is located in the premises of the controller or the processor (always within the EEA) and access to it is granted only to authorized persons. Other persons may access the system only in the presence of an authorized person. Access to areas with the recording equipment is restricted by locks, electronic security systems and other means of protection.

The storage duration of personal data is set so as to correspond with the intended purpose of the processing and other principles of DSGVO. The records are stored for a maximum of 7 days. After this time, the records are automatically deleted.

Within the monitoring of the premises, the appearance as well as the behavior of persons in the monitored areas are processed. However, the monitoring does not allow for the identification of person using advanced technology, such as Face ID or assessment of biometric elements.

The purpose of installing the camera system and storing the recordings is the protection of the controller’s property against damage and theft, as well as protection of lives and health of employees and customers of the controller, including other persons present in the premises of the controller’s branches and their surroundings. Recordings from the camera system can only be used for these purposes or in cases of threats or special situations of public interest. The legal foundation for the processing is a justified interest of the controller as per article 6, section 1 f) of DSGVO. The controller performed a test of justified interest, within which it has been assessed that the interest of the controller for processing of data outweighs the interests of the subjects for protection of personal data.

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Germany HQ:

Driverama Germany GmbH

Ronsdorfer Str. 127

402 33 Düsseldorf

Germany HQ:

Driverama Germany GmbH

Ronsdorfer Str. 127

402 33 Düsseldorf

We are member of AURES Holdings